Radiology lab
Radiology lab
Keeping pace with the rapid development of dentistry in all its diagnostic and therapeutic fields: the use of x-rays or the so-called (X-rays) is a qualitative leap that contributes to the diagnosis of diseases if they are taken to the teeth, jaw bones, tissues and surrounding structures
The message
The student was able to make a good diagnosis of dental, oral and jaw problems, tumors and dental structures such as wisdom tooth and bone loss that cannot be observed during a visual examination.
The goal of the program is to qualify dentists who are able to read and diagnose x-ray images, how to work on x-ray devices correctly, how to deal with radiation hazards, learning outcomes and methods of teaching, learning and assessment
Knowledge and understanding that enable the student to use radiological equipment in the correct manner and explain the importance of protection and protection from radiation and its risks and enable the student to read and diagnose radiological images of various types
Giving sufficient information about the latest types of devices and diagnostic methods in the field of oral and maxillofacial radiology
Integration of the student with the subject and start thinking about finding solutions to deal with the obstacles they face while performing the work